Your Rights

DHA Patient’s rights and responsibilities:

As a client of Dr. Ola Wellness Hub, you have the following rights:

  1. Be fully aware of and practice all your rights.  Please reach out to us, if you need any assistance with understanding the policy or clarification of your rights. 
  2. Be informed about our fees, services, and procedures. 
  3. Be able to receive high quality care and have your personal values and beliefs respected by our staff without discrimination according to DHA rules and regulations.
  4. Receive comprehensive care and a proper medical diagnosis and treatment of your illness and/or injury.
  5. Receive immediate care in emergency cases. In such cases, please kindly contact Rashid Hospital on 042192000 as the centre is not equipped to handle crisis situations.
  6. Know the name and specialty of the professional responsible for your care.
  7. Receive from the health care team information about your diagnosis, proposed treatment, any changes in your treatment plan and reasons of such changes, possible side effects and risks, therapy advantages and disadvantages, possible problems related to treatment or its absence. 
  8. Have an interpreter or receive assistance with finding an interpreter, if possible, when the language presents a barrier to understanding details of your comprehensive care.
  9. Participate in your care decision making. You are encouraged to have an active part in planning and implementing treatment with the professionals. 
  10. Have your information kept private during your treatment as outlined by DHA policies and regulations.
  11.  Access your healthcare records. They can also be assessed by your representative, your healthcare professional and DHA and CDA staff as outlined by their policies. 
  12. Be asked for a written consent in order to release your health records.
  13. Choose the professional of your choice, upon availability.
  14. Refuse the treatment and be informed about the consequences of such decision. 
  15. Refuse follow-up/examination of your treatment details by any person not directly responsible for your care.  
  16. Be protected during treatment from any physical, verbal or psychological assault.
  17. Receive your treatment care in a consistent manner.
  18. Have a family member or guardian as an escort depending on your availability and health status, as per DHA rules and regulations.
  19. Be informed and receive, when requested, an itemized bill explaining all charges.
  20. Complaint and submit suggestions at the reception desk.
  21. Be informed about potential benefits and risks, therapeutic alternatives and medical research protocol details when being offered to participate in scientific research. 
  22. Refuse to participate in research or end your participation if already agreed at any time for any reason.  This will not compromise the quality of services provided to you.

As a client of Dr. Ola Wellness Hub, you have the following responsibilities:

  1. Respect rules and regulations at the centre.
  2. Show consideration and respect for our staff and clients. 
  3. Respect the privacy and comfort of other clients.
  4. Provide complete and accurate information about present complaints, past illnesses, previous hospitalization and any known allergy.   
  5. Give your written general consent for treatment.       
  6. Give your written informed consent before any treatment that entail your written consent according to DHA rules and regulations.
  7. Follow the professional’s instructions.
  8. Be responsible of refusing or not following the treatment plan, after being informed of consequences.
  9. Avoid delay in taking an appointment as soon as it is requested by your clinician.
  10. Attend the appointment on time.  If you wish to cancel it contact the reception staff 24 hours in advance.
  11. Respect the priority given to emergency cases.
  12. Observe safety regulations including no-smoking policy and maintaining the cleanliness of the place, hand hygiene etc.
  13. Accept the financial obligations are fulfilled promptly.
  14. Keep your belongings and valuables safe while at the centre.


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